The first question you are asked when meeting someone new is often that old chestnut, “so what do you do for a living?” I have issues with this. Many times I’ve had a job title that doesn’t mean much to the general public. Perhaps the literal answer to that question isn’t the most interesting thing about me at that point in time. We ask questions to understand and to find connection. I am drawn to the quest towards ikigai because of the beauty and simplicity there is in your purpose aligning with the answer to this common question.
008: Title ≠ Truth: The Identity Illusion in the Ikigai Intersection
AKA are you your job title and does it fit with your personal brand?
May 31, 2024

Sarah Seeking Ikigai Podcast
🌈 I am Sarah, seeking ikigai, my reason for being. I am a genX woman developing my voice and documenting my journey. I am undergoing a process of learning and growing, researching and sharing what is and isn't working for me. I want to develop models and methods to help others.
🌈 I am Sarah, seeking ikigai, my reason for being. I am a genX woman developing my voice and documenting my journey. I am undergoing a process of learning and growing, researching and sharing what is and isn't working for me. I want to develop models and methods to help others.
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