🌸 ikigai 生き甲斐 is a reason for being, your purpose in life - from the Japanese iki 生き meaning life and gai 甲斐 meaning worth 🌸
Gamify every day for happiness and health
There’s something powerful about visualising the person you’re becoming, future you.
Future Sarah is someone I care about deeply, and every day I make little choices that help her thrive.
It’s a game I play, a life hack that feels like a secret superpower only I know about. It’s not for huge big resolutions but instead sneaky, daily choices that set Future Sarah up for success.
One of my favourite examples? Parking a little further away every day. It seems simple, but this one decision has become a small ritual that brings SO SO many benefits *grin*
Instead of opting for the basement parking when it’s available, a supposed luxury close to the office door, I park a little further away. Why? Because I’m secretly giving Future Sarah an edge, every single day.
Choosing the long way
I save a few pounds each time compared to the closest car park, which adds up over the weeks. More importantly, I get extra steps in and a good cardio boost from the uphill stomp to the office.
Every time I’m asked if I want that coveted basement spot, I pause and remember this; Future Sarah wins when I choose to move more, to get my body working and to embrace that extra bit of fresh air in the morning.
It’s easy to get sucked into the allure of convenience, the idea that being closer and having things handed to you is somehow a status symbol.
I’ve come to realise that this is often a trick we play on ourselves, mistaking ease for progress.
Don’t be fooled. ‘Winning’ isn’t about getting the closest parking space; it’s about feeling good and doing things that actually nurture a better version of yourself.
The benefits are more than just physical
On my walk from the car, I often get to say hello and smile at familiar faces, sometimes stroke a friendly dog, or watch the pigeons and seagulls navigate their little urban challenges. I even get to see Jonathan Seagull on my way, a familiar friend I look forward to saying good morning to.
These moments, as mundane as they may sound, are uplifting. My daily magic. They add a dose of joy that basement parking simply can’t offer.
And that’s the beauty of making these choices for Future Sarah. I’m not just saving money or upping my step count, I’m building a habit of doing small, intentional things that add to my happiness, health and general sense of well-being.
I’ve removed the need to decide every day because this has become my routine. It’s what I do, and in doing so, I’ve created a positive feedback loop that makes forming other good habits that much easier.
The Future You Game
What if every day, you asked yourself a simple question;
“Is this helping me or harming me?”
Whether it’s how you’re spending your time, or even how you’re speaking to yourself, this question can be a guide. It has changed my life dramatically by shining a light on those small, daily opportunities that often go unnoticed. The little things truly do stack up, and Future You will thank you for every one of them.
I call it the 'Future Sarah Game', a challenge where each day I make small choices that grant 'power-ups' for the person I'm becoming. Whether it’s a choice that benefits my health, happiness or even finances, I treat it like levelling up. And it’s surprisingly fun to notice all the little opportunities around us.
It’s all a game, really. A game that’s both playful and profound. And the best part? You get to win every single day, one small choice at a time.
So, dear reader, what small choice can you make today for your Future Self? How can you gamify your daily routine to build a happier, healthier you? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below, let's inspire each other to make more sneaky, beneficial choices!
Sarah, seeking ikigai xxx
P.S. Every step towards a better you is a step towards your ikigai. Here are some journaling prompts for the coming week to help you reflect on this theme in more detail;
Think of a recent 'convenience' you chose. How might reframing that choice benefit your future self? Jot down alternative actions and their potential long-term impacts.
Quick write; List five 'power-ups' you could give your future self this week. These can be small actions, choices, or habits. How do they contribute to your overall well-being and purpose?"
Journaling challenge; Describe a moment when you chose the 'longer path' (literally or metaphorically). What unexpected benefits or joys did you experience? How might this choice ripple into your future?
Omg I LOVE this and going to think of how to gamify my life for future Elizabeth!
…for years I took bus or bike to get to work a little over 2.5 miles from my house and then one am said f-it and walked the whole there and back…i saw so much i had been missing in my neighborhood…art, secret spaces, animals, etc. …all while getting a little health in…such a great way to get places our feet :) …